Friday, October 7, 2011

October Newsletter

Happy fall everyone, I can’t believe that it is already October.  Let me first remind you that later this month is our one and only, parent teacher conference for the year.  You will be receiving a conference form to request times that might best fit into your schedule. I will try to accommodate you the best I can.  Please fill this form out and return it A.S.A.P. Conferences will be later this month October 27th and October 28th. 

October will bring our first classroom party.   The afternoon will be full of fun learning.  Our Math lesson will be all about estimation, place value, and counting by 10’s. If you have any giant pumpkins or sunflower heads that you can donate for that day please contact Mrs. Hedberg. Following our Pumpkin Math activity we will have time for games and trick or treats.  Mrs. Telford will be heading up our first fall party and will contact parents that signed up to help at the beginning of the year.  Watch for more information later this month.

Math:   We are very fortunate to have the ability and staffing to extend learning for our accelerated math learners as well as provide intensive intervention for learners based on need.  These times have been built into the weekly schedule and have begun this week... I will send notice if your child is participating in any extended math learning. This month we will be covering Place Value, and money.

Reading:  We have two more weeks of our “Sharing Stories” theme.  We have been building lots of comprehension strategies and skills such as making connections, making predictions, clarifying and monitoring text. Ask your child who RT is and what tools he teaches the students to use during literature circle time?  Our next theme will be “Kindness” a perfect connection to the character virtues we study each month. Life’s most urgent question is what are you doing for others? “Love and Kindness are never wasted”.

Character: This month is our Virtue of Friendliness. Mrs. Davis our school counselor presents a lesson monthly in each second grade class. We have read many stories during our reading theme that also lend themselves to teaching the virtues.  We read from Aesop’s Fables as part of our integrated reading unit and discussed many morals of the stories.  Ask your child what his or her favorite was??

In closing, I’d like to brag about my class 100% of my students had the honor of attending “Lunch Bunch” for completing all of their homework for the month and showing their virtue of responsibility turning it in on time WOW! Watch in this Friday’s folder for Book It coupons to come home for Pizza Hut for any and all that completed 15-20 minutes of at home reading on the homework calendar keep it up! 

Mrs. Hedberg

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    Just wanted to let you all know how much I'm enjoying student teaching in 2nd grade! I'm loving all of the students and the great work they are doing! :)


    Miss Dornfeld
