Wednesday, July 25, 2012

2012-13 Welcome to Mrs. Hedberg's 2nd Grade Class


Hello to all my new students and families and welcome to our class blog. This will be my third year using a blog as my main source of parent information. The class blog will be ECO friendly and provide you with easy access to all kinds of classroom information and allow you to view weekly events! I will update the blog weekly, with current spelling lists as well as a monthly newsletter with accademic information. You will notice as you explore the blog that I have already listed the entire year of Reading Homework assignments . I will change the Unit and Lesson numbers into dates as we begin the year. Example U1-L1 will read (week of 9/19) as I begin to assign weekly reading homework. All you have to do is click on the date and the assignment will open. I will keep a Looking Ahead calendar with important future dates, a section to add websites that will enrich your child's classroom understandings, scholatic online codes for ordering classroom books, as well as many other postings that will be of value throughout the year. I have tried to organize the blog in such a way to make it as user friendly as possible. Please make sure that you check it weekly!!! Please take a moment now to become a weekly follower by clicking on the side link and entering your email address. Everytime I post you will receive an automatic e-mail. I'm excited for our new year together and can't wait to see all the smiling faces of my new second grade friends soon!

Sincerely, Mrs. Hedberg