Friday, September 16, 2011

Reading and Spelling Homework Begin!

Dear Parents,

You will find next weeks spelling list on the left hand side of the blog.  You may begin checking off the spelling homework each night that your child practices on their homework calendar.  On the back of the calendar you will find many fun ways of studying.  Your child will bring home his/her pretest each Monday so they will know exatly how much studying they need to do!  Of course if your child only misses one or two then study days could be reduced, as compared to a student that misses more he or she may need all four nights of study.

Reading homework will be sent home with every student this Monday hard copy so you can see what it is your are expected to provide your child by clicking on the Reading Homework link on the right of the blog.  I will assign each packet by date. Example the first packet is to begin on 9/19. Students should do one page a night in order.  This is important because it piggybacks the learning that day in the classroom. You may then check off the appropriate box on the homework calendar.   You do not have to send in the actual pages unless you chose.  Please feel free to call me if you have any questions about homework.  Thank you for sending back the math homework daily, it give students some responsibility and they enjoy the daily drawing for a prize.

Thank you for your at home support,

Mrs. Hedberg

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mrs. Hedberg's September Newsletter

Newsletter for Month of September 2012 

The students have completed a weeks worth of initial assessments including the fall IRI. You may view students IRI reading scores and words read per minute through Skyward gradebook as well as weekly graded subjects at anytime.  The words per minute break down is as follows for the Fall IRI: 
                                                                                               0-26 wpm= 1  Intensive Intervention needed
                                                                                             27-53 wpm= 2  Strategic Intervention needed
                                                                                             54-above wpm = Benchmark on Grade Level

Math:  Our first Unit is underway we are working on the new Common Core Standard : Number & Operation in Base Ten. One thing has changed this year, your child will not be given a homework sheet of math from the days lesson.  You may see work or evidence of learning that will come home
in various forms, such as Today's number lesson, Envisions skill sheets, Drops in the Bucket skills sheets, these will hopefully give you an idea of concepts and learning of target standards. I will also try to post pictures from our lessons on the blog as well.  In response to my survey of would you like additional math or practice provided or optional practice 99% of you said yes!!  I am working to create what will be called a Passport of Learning for Math,  that will soon be added to the back of your child's Daily Work Communication forlder. The passport page will be filled with one project or activity to do at home that applies to each of  target standards we are learning for Numbers and Operations in Base Ten.  Your child will be able to retrun his/her passport when it is done for stamps to earn I-pad, computer , or time playing game boards etc.  The Passport for Math will also help to inform you the parent of what concepts your child is learning and see them demonstrate mastery of the target!  You will here more about this soon~  I'm very excited about this idea and hope you will find it a fun and engaging way to be involved in your childs learning (rather than sitting with homework sheets nightly)!

Reading: Our first theme in
Open Court Reading
is “Sharing Stories”.  We will be sharing fables, fairytales and poetry the students will be reading fractured fairytales like The Three Little Figs, and Come Back Jack.  As an extension to our unit the students will be  writing a class fractured fairytale based on the Three Little Pigs.  As we begin each unit of reading you will have the option of downloading additional practice sheets at home off the blog, if you choose for your child to do these at home please do them the week I have dated as this would be a follow up to the phonics, sight words, vocabulary of what is learned in class. If your child has scored a 1 or 2 on the IRI I would encourage you to concider this option at home.

Character:  We will continue working on building our classroom climate and setting classroom goals and expectations of what our class should look like, sound like, and feel like when we are learning in a safe and loving environment.  Students have been building our classroom community in a variety of activities over these first few weeks of school.  We have celebrated our differences and diversity through reading and writing .  We read All About ME and wrote about what we liked best about ourselves, students selected their best feature and wrote explaining why they thought it was their best attribute.  The students also created a Classroom honey comb filled with "sweet" character virtues to help us stick together as a class community!